CEMS – Colorado Environmental Management Society

Principal Engineer


As a leader for Anchor QEA’s work in the Rocky Mountain region and with numerous West Coast project involvements, Mr. Whelan has 23 years of experience specializing in dredging and civil earthwork design for lakes and shorelines, restoration of stream habitat, development of waterfront facilities, and upland and offshore environmental remediation. His career originated with a bachelor degree from Colorado School of Mines, supplemented by graduate studies in environmental and geotechnical engineering at Georgia Tech and MIT, respectively. Today, after multi-year stints in Seattle and San Diego, he has a strong understanding of regulatory, environmental, and permitting-related issues, frequently applied to multi-party mediation and legal deposition settings. He currently lives in Evergreen with his wife and has two sons, one at Mines and one finishing high school.



Contact: (760) 845-2983

[email protected]