GeoImaging Systems
Founder/HRSC Expert
Mr. Heicher has been in the environmental industry for over 30 years, and he's been using HRSC tools for close to 20 years.
David has managed hundreds of HRSC projects on two different continents, and he proudly owns and operates GeoImaging Systems LLC & provides the following technologies:
- Membrane Interface/Hydraulic Profiling Tool (MIHPT) - Chlorinated/Petroleum VOC screening
- Hydraulic Profiling Tool (HPT) - Hydrogeologic/Lithologic Formation Characteristics
- Optical Image Profiler-UltraViolet (OIHPT-UV) - LNAPL Petroleum Hydrocarbons
- Optical Image Profiler- Green (OIHPT-G) - NAPL Coal Tars/Creosote Hydrocarbons
Contact: (843) 789-9095