Branch Chief

U.S. EPA Region 7


Mr. Eric Gorman is a Branch Chief for EPA Region 7.  The RCRA Corrective Action Branch manages several programs including CCR, PCBs, state authorization, tribal solid waste, and RCRA corrective action and permitting.  He has over 32 years of comprehensive environmental experience.  Mr. Gorman was in private environmental consulting for 24 years and he held multiple roles including Environmental Department manager, Office Manager, and Principal at Terracon. His leadership has been defined by his ability to manage complex projects, navigate environmental regulations, and drive teams toward operational excellence.

In addition to his private sector achievements, Mr. Gorman has had eight years of distinguished service in the federal government, where he worked as an environmental engineer with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and as a regional environmental program manager for the General Services Administration (GSA) and now Branch Manager for the EPA.  His federal experience provided him with valuable insight into the technical, regulatory, and managerial challenges facing large-scale environmental initiatives.

Mr. Gorman holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Geology from the University of Missouri Science and Technology (formerly the University of Missouri Rolla) and a Master’s Degree in Engineering Management from the University of Kansas.


Contact: (816) 536-7567

[email protected]