Sponsor with EnviroWorkshops

Special thanks to Clear Creek Systems, our 2025 Global Premier Sponsor


In 2024, EnviroWorkshops partnered with over 40 top environmental companies who sponsored more than 45 cities worldwide. This year we are offering our most popular themed workshops with even more great opportunities. You can choose one, or more, themes from the 7 listed below, while still enjoying the marketing benefits in all 25+ cities across North America and Europe in 2025. 


7 Workshop Themes:



  • PFAS & VOCs

  • VOCs, VI, & PFAS

  • CCR & PFAS


  • Canadian Remediaton

  • Brussels Remediation

  • Honolulu Remediation

Sponsorship Benefits include:
  • 45 min technical presentation at each workshop in this theme

  • all registrations list

  • 1-min video about your company played at each workshop

  • logo & speaker profile on email marketing for this theme

  • 1/4 page ad in ALL 25+ workshop programs

  • full page ad in the programs for the workshops in this theme

  • speaker exclusivity only in your theme

  • 60,000 unique web visits annually

If you'd like to be a sponsor, please call Travis Bowman at (704) 728-5800 or email [email protected]. For a list of all cities per theme, click here

Thank you to our 2025 Sponsors!